Coffee grounds: this is the residue that remains after the boiling water has passed over the ground coffee. It is a waste that has incredible properties and can be easily used in the garden.
It has several advantages: it is 100% natural, it contains nutrients like potassium, phosphate, magnesium and nitrogen. Did you know that? These different nutrients are equivalent to those found in chemical or organic fertilizers.
Its light and airy structure allows it to act on root development. However, it is necessary to wait until it is perfectly dry before placing it, so it is easier to mix it with the fine seeds and to spread it on the tomato seedlings. Thanks to its tint close to the black, you see at once if you dispersed too much. It is better to put little of it to avoid obtaining the opposite effect of the one you are looking for.
Why use coffee grounds for tomatoes?
Tomatoes are among the easiest plants to plant. They grow quickly and in a beautiful environment they bloom and give appetizing and red fruits. But as good vegetable or gardeners, we are always looking for a good way to perfect them to have naturally beautiful products. And some people don’t know what coffee grounds do to get such results.
Coffee grounds are a good organic fertilizer. It must be said that as a whole, coffee grounds are a fairly natural component. The one used in the traditional way is the most valuable because it contains all the active elements as ingredients. Coffee grounds are slightly acidic.
And although it is called a good organic fertilizer, not all plants are able to tolerate coffee grounds. The tomato, however, is happy with this fertilizer. Because of its acidity, coffee grounds will help tomatoes to have beautiful colors by strengthening them. To do this, you must spread the coffee grounds at the foot of the tomatoes.
How to use coffee grounds for tomatoes?
Make sure that the foot is well covered. You can also proceed by hoeing by mixing the coffee grounds with the soil of the garden. You can also combine coffee grounds with crushed eggshells. And it is not necessary to put a large dose. You will see remarkable effects, especially in terms of growth.
Coffee grounds are also a good compost activator. Some gardeners have a vermicompost bin. Others simply let the earthworms do their job. The worms will digest the organic matter in the compost. This means that they will eat the plants in the compost, which is very good for the plants rooted in the soil.
The coffee grounds are a kind of active supplement that will boost the work of the worms. The worms will become more active and the compost will be provided a little faster. It must be said that not only we love good coffee in the morning or at any time of the day. This usually also saves you the trouble of using manure.
Coffee grounds are also a seedling soil rich in potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Plants also have needs like us and require nutrient inputs. To have a rich soil, it is necessary to mix the coffee grounds with the garden soil in equal quantities. It is in this mixture that we will put the tomato seeds.
What effect does coffee grounds have on tomatoes?
The young plants will start to grow and they will benefit from a good supply of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus which is very necessary for a good growth. You will notice the beauty of the tomato afterwards. If these elements take time to spread in the plants, their effect is quickly seen once the tomato has started to absorb them.
Using coffee grounds as a tomato repellent
Plants will not always be safe from small pests unless we take precautions. We don’t have to use drastic methods that will kill the plants. We can simply use repellents to keep the pests away and it’s done. This is where coffee grounds come into their own as they are a good repellent.
Because of its smell and taste, small pests prefer to stay away from tomatoes. For this to work, you need to sprinkle some pomace around the tomatoes. The pomace is no longer toxic enough, but it can keep snails and slugs away from the tomatoes.
Be careful with the rainy seasons, the coffee grounds will spread everywhere or their trace will be completely erased by the rain. For the protection of tomatoes, it is necessary to spread some again. Among the pests that we also fear, we have our nice cats or those of the neighbors. If cats are cute in general and we want to pet them, they are sometimes funny little savages.
They either like to deposit their excrement in the gardens or play with the plants. And since tomatoes are not very tall and have fragile stems, cats can easily destroy them. And even worse if the red fruits are already hanging, the stems will be even more fragile.
In the end you will have only roots if the cats have not destroyed them. These felines have a very fine sense of smell, really fine. This is an advantage for them, but at the same time also a disadvantage. They can’t stand the smell of caffeine released by coffee grounds. So to avoid that these four-legged animals come to make the walk in the gardens, it is enough simply to spread coffee grounds to quantity.
It is true that coffee grounds are a repellent that plays its role well with all the pests. But even if it is a strong product for them, coffee grounds are not toxic at all.
So don’t panic if your children or pets accidentally play with it. Moreover, it does not pollute your tomatoes or the vegetables or flowers around. To make the effect of coffee grounds more noticeable, you can spray them with coffee infusion. Or directly on the tomatoes.