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Can I Fertilize and Overseed at the Same Time? (Quick Read)


Before any cultivation, the soil needs to be worked, to be prepared. That is why there are methods of preparing a land before any activity on it.


The preparation serves to repair the soil in general, to provide it with the elements that it no longer possesses, which are nevertheless necessary for the cultivation of plants, to add other elements that will be beneficial during the cultivation of a particular plant. From cause to effect, a soil needs to be stirred and enriched before growing grass. To do this, there are steps that must be taken, which we will explore here.


Can I fertilize and seed at the same time?

Just as with fertilizing a newly seeded lawn, there are also differing opinions on when to start fertilizing your grass. While fertilizing after seeding is common practice, some experts advise fertilizing before scarifying the grass. This stimulates the plants’ metabolism, allowing them to recover more quickly from seeding.


If you stick with this second method, your grass maintenance program begins with spring fertilization. This should be done around the time the daffodils bloom, which is when your grass will thrive again. Then you can mow. About two weeks after fertilization, when a second mowing is required, it is time to seed. The grass will then have all the nutrients it needs, and the marks left by this operation should quickly disappear.


When should you start fertilizing your grass?

Do you want a dense, green grass? Nothing could be easier! In order to have a strong and homogeneous grass, you must first seed it at the right time. It is also necessary to maintain it as it should be, and in particular to bring fertilizer to it.


Fertilizer supplies the grass with valuable nutrients that will help it grow and defend it against diseases and weeds. Here you’ll find out everything you need to know about fertilizing newly seeded grass and when to fertilize your grass for the first time.


When to fertilize newly seeded grass?

The ideal time to seed grass depends primarily on the weather. It should not be too cold or too hot. Ideally, the soil temperature should have been constant for several weeks already and reach at least 50°F.


These conditions are usually met in autumn, when the soil has stored up the heat of the summer and showers promote seed growth. If you want to enjoy a beautiful green expanse during the summer, seed your lawn in the spring, in March or April.


To do this, first spade the soil to the ideal consistency for seeding grass. Then let it sit for two to three weeks before preparing the actual seedbed. Rake the soil and water it properly.

There are two options for fertilizing new grass:


  • You can choose to fertilize the soil a week before seeding (about 30 to 40 g/m²) and thus create optimal nutrient conditions for the seeds.
  • You can also spread the fertilizer directly after seeding the grass, which we recommend using a spreader wagon to ensure that the seeds are distributed as evenly as possible. You can also use this tool to spread the fertilizer.


Be sure to incorporate the seed into the soil. You can use a rake to do this. Then level the soil with a roller and water it evenly. You should see the first shoots appear about two weeks after seeding.


Preparing a soil before cultivation: in general

There are several methods that help to “train” the soil before seeding, there is manual preparation and mechanical preparation. Manual preparation consists of three steps: plowing, scratching and raking.


In general, it consists of supplying the soil with water and air by digging, at which point amendments and fertilizers can be introduced; the clods must then be broken up and the soil loosened; the soil is finally cleared of stones and clods; this step requires the use of a rake. The mechanical preparation is adapted to the biggest grounds, it is practiced with big specific machines.


Preparing a soil before cultivation: the case of grass

Depending on the nature of your soil, it will be necessary to supply it with amendment and fertilizer. The amendment is a process that aims to: make the soil easier to work, improve air circulation, moderate nutrient losses, supply the soil with limestone if necessary and improve its water storage and flow capacities.


It is therefore imperative to fertilize the soil before planting grass, and the addition of compost and potting soil supplies the soil with nutrients. These elements are essential if you want to have a perfect, fresh and green grass. The maintenance of the grass continues after seeding, so we can again proceed to a session of depositing soil and compost as soon as we want to revive the grass.



The key to a healthy grass is to provide it with optimal growing conditions. This includes providing adequate and timely nutrients. Applying the right fertilizer is a good place to start to help your grass absorb all the nutrients it needs. It sounds simple, but when you should apply fertilizer depends on several factors.

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