Crimson King Shrub Rose

How To Plant ‘Crimson King’ Shrub Rose (Detailed Guide)


The Crimson King Shrub Rose, sometimes referred to as the ‘Rose of Japan’, is a shrub native to East Asia, which arrived in Europe at the end of the 18th century. It has become so well acclimatized in northern countries that it has sometimes become invasive. This is the case, in particular, in the dunes of the Nord-Pas de Calais coast.


We explain in this article how to plant and maintain it, from A to Z.


When and where to plant the Crimson King Shrub Rose

From mid-October to mid-May

November-December is the best time to plant a Crimson King Shrub Rose, especially in light soils or in good free soil.


In heavy soil and in altitude

It is best to wait until February-March to plant your rose bush.

Caution: do not plant when the ground is frozen or if it is soaked by heavy rains.


In case of late planting (April-May)

It is all the more important to first carry out a pralinage (soaking the roots of the plant in a kind of liquid mud allowing more cohesion with the ground). After planting, water abundantly and stump for at least 3 weeks.


How to plant a Crimson King Shrub Rose well

The planting of the Crimson King Shrub Rose is relatively simple.

Purchased in a pot or container, the period is less important, although it is always preferable to plant in the fall.


  • Dig a hole about 20 inches wide and 16 inches deep. The size of the hole is important for the development of the roots.


  • Put a manure and algae type amendment at the bottom of the hole.
  • You can also put a root stimulator. This is a product that you can find in garden centers and which facilitates the development of roots.


  • Then mix the soil in your garden with planting soil. You can also use a special or even universal potting soil.


  • Lightly scratch the roots to separate them from each other.
  • You can separate them from each other with your fingers.


  • Soak the root ball in a bucket of water to re-wet the roots. This step encourages the recovery of the roses.


  • Place the rootball in the middle, spreading the roots at the bottom of the hole. This must be done with care and delicacy so as not to break the roots.


  • Cover with your mixture of soil and potting soil, compacting it so that there are no air holes between the soil and the roots.

Water abundantly and compact the soil again.


Exposure for planting a Crimson King Shrub Rose

Roses need a lot of sunshine to flower abundantly.

  • So choose a well exposed and sunny place.
  • Avoid areas where the soil is heavy and wet, where water stagnates, because the roots of the rose do not like it and it facilitates the development of diseases.
  • Therefore, prefer a rich, light and well-drained soil.


How to care for Crimson King Shrub Rose

Crimson King Shrub Roses are not very demanding. But they require a minimum of care to obtain maximum satisfaction.

This care will consist of :

– Water the roses and bring fertilizers.

– Hoeing and weeding roses

– Remove wildflowers and wilted flowers

– Treating roses against diseases and pests

– Protecting roses in winter

– Prune the roses


Watering and fertilizers

The rose bush must have enough water and fertilizer during this period of vegetation.



Bring water preferably at the base of the rose and avoid wetting the foliage. In light soil, water frequently (e.g. twice a week). In heavy soil that retains water better, water more frequently (e.g. once a week).



You can use the same types of fertilizers as before planting, or fertilizers richer in nitrogen (N).

It is recommended to apply fertilizer after each flowering.


When to prune the Crimson King Shrub Roses?

Pruning stimulates the vegetation, so the shorter you prune, the stronger the rose will be for the next shoot. In order not to make a mistake, remember the following rule:

Prune long (5 to 9 eyes) vigorous roses to calm their ardour, and prune short (3 eyes) weak roses to stimulate them.


How to prune a Crimson King Shrub Rose?

First of all, it is important to clean the pruning shears before pruning. It will be necessary to repeat the operation between each rosebush to avoid the transmission of diseases from one rosebush to another. To do this, use methylated spirits or disinfectant.


  1. Start by removing dead, diseased or damaged wood first.
  2. Remove branches that are growing crookedly, especially towards the inside of the rosebush. Sun and air must be able to penetrate between the branches of the rosebush.
  3. Choose a bud that faces outward. Cut at an angle, in the opposite direction to the bud, at about ½ inch above the bud.
  4. It is this bud that will start and give birth to a new branch. Hence the importance of choosing a well oriented one.
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