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Planting in the Rain (The Complete Guide)


The day begins under a leaden, low and grey sky ? Big drops are starting to fall? No problem! You can do a thousand useful things right before, after, or even under the rain.


Can we plant in the rain?

The answer is yes! You should even take advantage of it because the rain moistens the soil, which makes it easier to sow seeds. So take advantage of it to plant radish, lamb’s lettuce or lettuce seeds: if it rains again in the next few days, it will be a free and efficient watering. However, wait for the soil to dry out before planting, to facilitate hoeing and scratching. Air, nutrients and oxygen will also circulate more freely and the roots will grow better.


Never mow after it rains

Be careful not to mow the lawn after it has rained. The wet grass could damage the blades and stick to the mower, which could cause problems with blockage. It is also out of the question to operate early in the morning, as long as the dew has not completely dissipated.  


What to do in the garden before and after the rain?

Before the rain, we plan to arrange the garden (gutters, drains, low walls…) to avoid large puddles of water harmful to plants and other damage. We also think of installing mulch at the foot of your plants to keep the soil moist when the sun returns.


After a heavy rainfall, you should rearrange your plants (with the help of stakes in particular), empty the saucers, pierce the pots… Don’t forget to weed because the roots pull out more easily!


Take advantage of the rain to garden better

Rain is often a godsend in the garden. It allows plants to be watered naturally, providing them with better nutrients than normal water. After the rain, the soil is also more humid and better prepared to receive the seeds.


So, we take advantage of this to broadcast radish, lamb’s lettuce and salad seeds, covering them with a thin layer of potting soil. If it rains, it’s even better, because the rain will water your seeds!


Putting out houseplants when it rains

That’s it, it’s time for the rain! The first thing you should do is take your houseplants out onto your balcony or garden to let the rain fall on them. This will allow you to water them but also to clean them. But be careful, only if the temperature outside is above 61°F.


In addition, remember to install your plants in pots with holes so that water can drain away. And above all, don’t leave cups under your plants. Stagnant water is their enemy!


Recovering rainwater

Did a rainstorm just happen? Then it’s time to get out your watering cans, undrilled pots and planters to collect rainwater. This water will then be used to water your indoor plants and your garden.


Note that if you have the possibility to install a rainwater collector in your garden or on your balcony, don’t deprive yourself of it!


What to do before, during and after the rain?

Before the rain, you can…

Plant seeds. The sky will take care of watering them with a light rain.

Shred dry matter for the compost heap (dead leaves, pruning branches…). When the rain has soaked it, all that remains is to put it in the pile and the compost will rise in temperature at full speed.


Start the planting holes if the soil is not too hard. The rain will wet them thoroughly.

Sow grass, but only if the expected rain is not a storm. If the drops are too heavy, the seeds will be displaced and the emergence uneven.


When it rains, it is possible to…

Clean green plants. We’ve yet to find anything better than rainwater to wash the leaves off our houseplants (provided the temperature is above 61-64°F, of course).

Fill a few watering cans with rainwater, for houseplants.


After the rain, it’s easy to …

Hunt for slugs and snails. They came, they are all here! No need to get up at 6 a.m. to pick them up…

Weeding: after a good rain, the most recalcitrant roots are easily pulled out.

Work the soil superficially, with a simple claw or hoe.

Transplant seedlings. In this humid atmosphere, they will only grow better!

Plant ! You just have to wait for the soil to dry out a bit.


Wait for the sun (as a last resort)

If there was a magic formula to make the sun come, it would be known. So in the garden, all you have to do is wait until it decides to show up. With the numerous rains and the still too cool temperatures, nature is late and often has a three weeks delay.


But don’t panic, nature is well enough made to catch up in due time. All that is left is to be patient as waterlogged soils prevent most planting.


Since you cannot plant a tree, shrub or perennial in waterlogged soil, it is recommended to wait a few days after the return of the sun so that the soil can be unclogged. It is, therefore, better to delay all your planting than to plant and have nothing happen.


But don’t let yourself go and be ready for nature’s renewal by preparing and cleaning your garden well. Buy the tools you will need for your different crops, clean the pots and other accessories, sharpen your pruning shears and accompany your garden for its exit from winter.

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