This indoor plant is known for its resistance and is not very prone to diseases. However, you notice some signs of fatigue in it? Your little protégé seems to be losing its vitality?
If its leaves become dry, fall off or turn yellow, it is certainly due to too much light. Move your plant to a room less exposed to sunlight without further delay. Foliage is fading? On the contrary, it’s a lack of light!
The stems are sagging, the leaves are soft and the roots are rotting? You have been too generous with water! Before hydrating it again, check that the soil is dry on the 1 inch.
It is also possible that your Snake plant is being attacked by scale insects. Remove these pests with a sponge soaked in rubbing alcohol or soapy water.
The different diseases of the leaves of the Snake plant
Leaves that curl or fall off
Curling leaves of a Snake plant can mean several things. The first thing to do is to diagnose the problem. One of the most common problems with Snake plant is thrips, a tiny black insect that can infest and eventually kill the plant… Check to see if your plant is okay by shaking it on a sheet of white paper.
If tiny black bugs are falling off the plant, your plant may have thrips. But don’t panic! Simply remove the clearly damaged leaves with a sharp blade, then spray the plant with plenty of water and wipe it down with a clean cloth.
Then spray the plant with neem oil or diluted black soap a few times a week for a month.
No sign of insects? Make sure your plant isn’t overwatered or underwatered.
Brown and dry tips
If you notice brown, dry tips on your Snake plant, it’s probably due to infrequent or sporadic watering. Although Snake can withstand long periods of drought, it appreciates regular watering!
Soggy or limp leaves
If you notice soggy or limp leaves on your Snake plant, it’s most likely the result of overwatering or perhaps even root rot.
Be sure to water your plant only when the soil is dry – once every ten days or two weeks should be fine. If you suspect overwatering, remove your plant from its pot and inspect the soil beneath. If there is moisture, you may have a case of root rot.
Plant is not growing
Is your plant not growing? Don’t worry. Snake plant can be relatively slow growing, especially in low light conditions (one of the reasons many people choose this plant).
Be patient! Your plant will grow mostly in spring and summer. You can add fertilizer during this time of the year to stimulate its growth.
How to care for Snake plant in the right way?
Snake plant is a very hardy plant and not very prone to diseases. Excess water is what can really harm it and cause the plant to rot. We will see then the leaves becoming soft and hanging, while the stems will collapse.
Also, a lack of light will make the leaves of the snake plant fade.
Few pests and insects attack Snake plant, with the exception of the mealy bug.
Take care of your Snake and it will take care of you – literally! Snake has many benefits, including oxygen production and air purification. The Snake plant Laurentii variety is one of the best air-purifying houseplants according to Nasa, and it’s excellent for filtering out toxins like formaldehyde and xylene.
It is also a wonderful bedroom plant, as it turns carbon dioxide into oxygen at night. Below are some simple tips for continuing to care for and enjoy the many benefits of your plant over time.
Whether your Snake plant is overgrown or has damaged leaves you’d like to remove, pruning is very easy.
Using a clean, sharp blade, simply cut the stems you want to remove at the base, as close to the ground as possible. If the leaf is drooping, dry, or poking out, you can also try pulling the leaf and tearing it off at the root.
Take each leaf between two soft cloths and wipe the top to reveal its shine (also helps the plant soak up more light!). You can also use diluted black soap.
2-3 times a year, when your Snake seems to be losing its support, resurface it to give it some support and nutrients. Remove any dried leaves from the soil surface and place fresh, nutrient-rich potting soil over the old substrate. Top up to the top of the pot, making sure the soil has slid between the leaves to hold them in place.
Indoor plants grow much more slowly than in the wild. Depending on the size of your plant and the density of the roots, it is recommended to repot every 2-3 years to provide fresh nutrients and encourage new growth.
When to repot – Snake plant has extremely strong roots and will start to literally pop out of the pot when it’s time to repot.
Pot size
If you want your plant to grow, find a nursery pot that is 2 inches larger in diameter than the current pot. If you want your plant to stay the same height, you can reuse the same pot and simply change the potting soil. If this is the case, you may need to separate some stems of your plant, as they will most likely not all fit in the pot anymore.
Get your hands dirty
Spread newspaper on the ground, remove the plant from the pot and shake out as much soil as possible to get clean roots. Place the plant in the center of the pot, add new soil and press firmly.
Water the soil thoroughly and place the plant in an area with bright indirect light. Your plant will need 2-4 weeks to recover from the shock and adapt to its new home.