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Star Leaf Plant (Schefflera Complete Guide)


The star leaf plant is one of those green plants very common in offices. Not because it is uninteresting, but because it is hardy and carefree. Very graphic as long as you don’t let it grow as a single stem, it deserves a place in your home.


How to plant Star Leaf plant?

Plant your Star Leaf plant in a mixture made up of 1/4 of vegetable ground, 1/4 of peat, 1/4 of compost and 1/4 of sand. If you cannot carry out this mixture, choose a special compost for indoor plants which you enrich with fertilizer.


Where to place your star leaf plant?

The star leaf plant is particularly suitable for bright rooms, but you can also install it in a place where the light is less bright, or in mid-shade. Avoid exposing it to direct sunlight for too long.


Tropical plant, it likes sufficiently warm and humid atmospheres: a room heated between 60 and 71°F in all seasons, with a good hygrometry rate, will suit it perfectly. In winter, it can tolerate temperatures of 50°F, but its leaves may fall.

Give it a slightly acidic, rich and well-drained soil: 1/3 fibrous loam, 1/3 medium peat of bark or leaf, 1/3 fine perlite or coarse sand. Otherwise, mix ¾ of potting soil with ¼ of heather soil.


Once installed, avoid moving it too frequently and keep it at a constant temperature. You can take it out in the summer by choosing a mid-shade location.


Maintenance of the star leaf plant

The star leaf plant is fairly tolerant to exposure, watering and temperature levels.

It will also work well in a room where the temperature can vary from 53°F to 71°F. But still avoid sudden temperature changes.


  • It should be located in a bright room, but should not be exposed to the sun.
  • It can tolerate subdued light but prefers bright light.
  • It should be watered when the soil is dry, but not abundantly and preferably with water at room temperature.
  • Finally, avoid moving it too often, as it will take time to adapt to its new environment.


Every 2 or 3 years, you have to repot your star leaf plant.


Watering the star leaf plant

It is best to wait until the soil is dry between waterings.

Water once a week on average.

If the air in your home is rather dry or in summer, you can water a little more often, but always wait until the soil is dry on the surface.


How to prune the Star Leaf plant?

  • In early spring: prune young plants to stimulate branching and allow them to develop a shrubby habit;
  • Prune it as soon as it exceeds 3 ft. in height ;
  • In autumn: carry out a severe pruning if you notice that your star leaf plant arboricola is thinning at the base.


Fertilization and potting

The plant is vigorous: a good summer fertilization is recommended. If you are rather fond of liquid fertilizers, a plug in the watering water every week from April to September, once a month in winter.


The growth being fast, the star leaf plant will exhaust the soil in the pot quite quickly. Repotting is recommended every 2 years, in a light and rich substrate composed of one third peat, one third compost and one third sand.


Trimming Star Leaf plant

It is necessary to prune the star leaf plant, by pinching the main stem so that it branches out (in practice: cut where you want the new branches to come from).


Regular dusting of the foliage will do it the greatest good. For this, use a sponge soaked in a water-beer mixture (for shine) in equal proportions.


Star Leaf plant in winter

On the contrary, in winter or in case of high ambient humidity, watering can be spaced a little further apart.

Do not hesitate to regularly mist water on the foliage, this will improve the quality of the foliage and prevent the leaves from drying out.


Diseases and pests


In a dry atmosphere, watch for the appearance of the mealybug.

Star Leaf plant is also sensitive to aphids and red spiders.



If the leaves turn yellow and fall back: it is certainly an excess of water. Reduce watering.

Leaves are turning pale and the shrub appears to have stopped growing: the substrate is exhausted; add fertilizer or repot.

The leaves are turning yellow: the plant is cold.

The collar of the plant turns black and growth is stopped: probable root rot due to excess water.



Star Leaf plant is potentially toxic to indoor pets, including dogs, cats and rabbits. The intoxication manifests itself by digestive disorders, which can be fatal for the rabbit.


Why does my Star Leaf plant lose its leaves?

Leaf drop is very often due to excess water and/or a temperature going below 59°F.



The star leaf plant is one of the shrubs most met in house plant for the beauty of its foliage and for its great robustness.

It is appreciated for its aesthetic aspect but also for its great adaptability to the interiors of our houses and apartments.

It is also often used in offices for its ease of maintenance and tolerance.

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