spider plant pale limp e1638307327160

Here’s why your Spider Plant is Pale and Limp (Quick Facts)


The chlorophytum, also called spider plant, phalanx or hairy chlorophytum, belongs to the lily family. It is a perennial plant with evergreen foliage that grows in South Africa. Spider plant has the advantage of being very tolerant in terms of watering and care. It is very suitable for beginner gardeners or those who do not have much time.


However, you shouldn’t think that you can leave this plant to thrive on its own. If you’re here, it’s probably because your spider plant is starting to get pale and limp. This is a fairly common problem, so we’ll tell you how to deal with it:


Why is my spider plant getting pale and limp?

In 90% of the cases, a pale spider plant is the direct result of a lack of light, add to that a plant that becomes limp. It is either a problem of watering or exposure. 


If the leaves tend to lose their luster it is recommended to give it more light.


If the tips of the leaves dry out and turn yellow, it is often a lack of fertilizer and/or humidity. Therefore, spray the foliage with non-calcareous water and bring fertilizer regularly.


How to take care of your spider plant ?

Give it plenty of light to enjoy its colors, but not direct sunlight. If the temperature exceeds 68°F, it will appreciate humidity (mist the leaves).


Throughout spring and summer, water it as soon as the soil dries out. In winter, you can let the soil dry out longer, especially if the plant is exposed to low temperatures (below 50°F). After watering, do not keep the water left in the saucer after 30 minutes. A contribution of fertilizer during the vegetative period is welcome. Finally, remove the yellowed or damaged leaves as you go along.


If your plant is outside, watch the temperatures from October. The time to put it under cover, in the house or under a veranda, is coming!


How to water Spider plant ?

Spider plant flourishes ideally in a space where the temperature is between 45 and 65°F. Beyond that, make sure that the foliage of the plant does not dry out by regularly spraying its foliage. 


The watering of the plant must be moderate in order not to drown the roots and the water must not stagnate in the saucer. In winter, water your spider plant only when the surface of the soil is dry. From spring to the end of summer, it is advisable to bring some fertilizer to your plant. For your cultures in outside, mulch the winter to avoid that the roots freeze. Repotting can be done every year if you consider that your spider plant does not have enough space in its pot.


Good news: there is no particular pruning recommended for a spider plant, it is simply advisable to remove the dead leaves when they take up too much space and to keep only the healthy foliage.


Where to place a spider plant so that it regains its colors?

Spider plant is a frosty plant which needs a temperature between 45°F and 65°F. This is why it is not often grown in the garden but rather indoors. The spider plant requires a bright light but without direct sunlight.


  • The best place to install your spider plant is near a window that lets the light through. Its need for humidity makes this plant very happy in a lighted bathroom.
  • It dreads too much sun if it dries out the plant.
  • The more light it receives, the more beautiful its foliage is.
  • Avoid absolutely the proximity of a heat source like a radiator because this plant of tropical origin requires humidity.
  • The ideal temperature is around 64-68°.


Which fertilizer to use?

It can be interesting to bring fertilizer to your spider plant from the beginning of spring until autumn, at a rate of 2 times per month. Preferably choose a liquid fertilizer for green plants. Stop fertilizing in winter.


How to plant a spider plant?

To hope for an optimal flowering and to see the plant covered with its tiny white flowers during June and July, you will have to plant your spider plant at the beginning of spring, around March or April. 


In a pot, it is advisable to plant the phalanx in a container big enough for the plant to let its roots express and develop. Place clay balls at the bottom of the pot (to prevent the roots from rotting in stagnant water) and choose a container with holes at the bottom to obtain a well-drained soil. Place your root ball in potting soil and cover, then water. Your plant should be in the light but not in full sun, as this could cause it to dry out. 


In the open ground, dig a large hole and place your root ball in a mixture of garden soil and potting soil on a bed of gravel or clay balls (again for drainage purposes) and water. Place your spider plant in a shady or semi-shady spot.

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