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Scale On Jade Plant (Complete Solution)


Crassula ovata, the jade plant, is an indoor plant destination. As with other succulent plants, the jade plant requires little care and is still susceptible to some plant diseases.


One of the most common problems associated with the jade plant is the appearance of scale on the leaves. We give you explanations of this strange phenomenon and how to remedy it.


What causes scales on the jade plant?

Who is not charmed by the chubby leaves of the jade plant and the ease of maintenance? If the plant is in the right light, an area of low humidity and has the right potting mix, these plants do not require much care. However, even the best succulent raised bed can find some problems, mainly scales on the jade plant.


Scale can lead to a serious decline in plant health and even death if not properly treated. One of the most common problems with the jade plant that causes the problem is improper watering and drainage, but there are a few other potential problems that can compromise your plant.


Jade plants thrive in dry, sandy soils with low fertility. Average soil is probably too wet and rich for these succulent South African plants. A well-drained soil with lots of sand and a container that allows the moisture to evaporate will ensure healthy plants. Use an unglazed container to increase evaporation with lots of drainage holes.


Excess water can cause a disease called edema, where the roots absorb water faster than they can be used. This leads to tan or dark brown lesions on the leaves that darken as the disease progresses. Repotting the plant in sandy and gravelly soil in an evaporative container and monitoring the soil moisture should heal the plant quickly and reduce the black jade plant leaves.



Most raised beds are familiar with powdery mildew. It occurs when there is low light, poor circulation, cooler temperatures and excess humidity. Aerial watering leaves the foliage moist, which tends to stay wet during the long winter months. This promotes the formation of fungal spores that cause powdery mildew.


Avoid overhead watering and use a fan to increase circulation. Pinch affected foliage and discard it. A solution of baking soda and vinegar is to know how to get rid of scale on jade plants with powdery mildew. Spray on the leaves but make sure the leaves dry within a few hours. Aerial watering can also leave hard water spot on the leaves.


Excess salt

All plants absorb water through their roots with a few exceptions. Jade plants store water in their fleshy leaves, making them ideal for use in arid areas. They capture infrequent rainwater and store it until they need it like a hoarding squirrel. This gives the leaves their fleshy appearance.


Rain and groundwater capture salt from the air and soil. When you sprinkle with a salt solution, the trapped moisture will pass through the leaves during transpiration and the evaporated moisture will leave a salt residue on the leaf. As a result, your jade plant will have white spots on the surface of the pads. A soft, slightly damp cloth can easily wipe them off and restore the appearance of the foliage.


Injuries, diseases causing scale on the jade plant

Scales on the leaves of jade plants can simply be the result of an injury. Causes can range from unruly toddlers to curious cats, however the injury does occur, usually the plant will defoliate the damage and no cure is needed.


More often, when a jade plant has scale, it is due to excessive humidity and overharvesting in winter. Jade plants go into dormancy when light levels are low and do not grow actively in winter. Reducing water in winter is important to maintain the health of jade plants. Under high humidity conditions, anthracnose and other fungal diseases can be a concern. Increase ventilation and water only when the soil is dry to the depth of the second phalanx of a finger inserted into the soil. Occasionally, an antifungal spray may be necessary.


Viruses are usually spread by insects and cause scale on jade plants. These rarely kill the plant, but can be in any part of the jade. Discard infected material and do not take cuttings, as the resulting plants will be infected.


Black jade plant leaves and insects

Even indoor plants are prey to insect infestations, especially when grown outdoors in the summer and then brought in for the winter. There are probably small hitchhikers that can invade jade plant and other nearby plants. These include but are not limited to:


  • Aphids
  • Whitefly
  • Mealybugs
  • Mites


Carefully inspect the leaves and hand-pick insects large enough to remove them. Small insects, such as spider mites, can be recognized by their webbing on leaves and stems. Use a horticultural soap labelled for use on succulent plants or wipe leaves and stems with a cotton ball soaked in a 1% solution of rubbing alcohol and water.


Good cultural control and care will reduce the effect of these pests on your jade plant. In most cases, black jade plant leaves are not a death sentence for your succulent and can be easily managed with careful investigation and a few simple steps.



A jade plant, the owner should avoid using peat-based fertilizer and ensure that the plant is draining normally, as soggy soil can lead to an infestation of scale insects. Another prevention strategy is to water the plants with a solution containing imidacloprid.


If the plant is infested with either pests, you can get rid of it by using insecticides available at the plant care facility. In the case of jade plants, it is important not to use all sprays or insecticides containing pyrethrin.

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