Orchids can lose their flowers for different reasons. It is important to know that when the flowering of the orchid is over, it is quite normal that this plant loses its leaves. This is the time when the orchid needs to rest, usually in the fall. It is also possible that the orchid simply feels tired or that it does not appreciate the environment in which you have installed it.
To give the orchid the best chance of keeping its flowers, we advise you to find a location that is both bright and where it is neither too cold nor too hot. Finally, the loss of its flowers can also be due to too much watering.
Is an orchid dead when the flowers fall off ?
Above all, it is necessary to know how to differentiate between the end of flowering and the end of life of an orchid. It is therefore necessary to know how to determine the reasons that can kill the orchid.
After a few months, the flowers of an orchid begin to wilt and eventually fall off. It is possible that the flower spike becomes dry and a new one could still grow at the next bloom. Sometimes, the flower spike remains always green but does not bloom for months.
How do you know when an orchid is dead ?
An insect invasion could well kill an orchid, it will be necessary in this case to treat it by isolating it so that it does not contaminate other plants. If the flowers have all fallen at the same time, it is due to too much air or a sudden change in temperature, it will then be necessary to wait for the next flowering. If the leaves show some traces of burns, then it will be necessary to move it away a little from the sun’s rays.
If the leaves are soft, the substrate is dry and the roots become paler, then it will need to be watered from time to time. If the roots become soft and blackened, watering should be spaced out and the pot should be well-drained.
How to make an orchid bloom again ?
The main operation consists in cutting the stem of the orchid. First of all, remove all the faded flowers and let the plant rest for a few days before cutting. Count two buds from the base of the flower, then cut the stem 1 cm above the third bud and below the stem. A new shoot will appear with small buds.
The orchid can bloom again after the first flowering if you follow these tips:
- Cut the stem whose flowers are faded above the 2nd eye.
- If it is already a second bloom, cut short the stem on which the flowers are faded.
- Throughout the life of your orchid, you will cut short the stems that have given flowers.
How to take care of an orchid ?
Too much sun could be fatal to it but a lack of light would prevent it from blooming. The ideal temperature is 18 to 21° C.
- The orchid will also be at home outdoors during the summer months.
- We can therefore take the orchid out from May.
- In any case, choose a bright place, but without direct sunlight.
The orchid needs to be watered regularly but not excessively, as this can cause the roots to rot.
It is therefore preferable not to flood the soil while maintaining the humidity it needs.
Never leave standing water at the bottom of the pot.
- In spring/summer, water once or twice a week.
- In winter, reduce watering to twice a month.
- Spray water regularly on leaves and roots, this may be sufficient for watering.
- If your area is very calcareous, preferably use rainwater or mineral water as the orchid is very sensitive to this.
Where to cut an orchid that has wilted ?
Cutting a faded orchid is actually the same as pruning it.
In order to make new flowers at the next bloom, orchids should be cut just below the last faded flower and above the node that follows.
It is recommended to cut at the 3rd node, but this is not really necessary especially if the orchid has many knots.
They will be as many chances to see a new floral spike developing.
Cut with scissors or a cleanly disinfected pruning shears to help the plant heal better.
For other orchids, cut directly at the base of the stem. The plant will then take time to recreate a new floral stem as well as flowers but it needs to rest. It will always be possible then to bring her fertilizer to stimulate her.
An orchid can shed its leaves for a variety of reasons, so it’s not synonymous with death in some cases! Indeed, at the end of flowering, it is quite normal for the orchid to lose its flowers. In other cases, the orchid may simply be tired or not like the environment it is in!