Growing your own fruits, vegetables and herbs is an idea that appeals to many of us. But when you don’t have a garden, this seems difficult to achieve. However, there are ways to grow a vegetable garden even indoors.
Here is a list of 11 fruit trees that you can grow from the inside of your home:
- The calamondine/Citrus madurensis
- The lemon tree
- The vanilla orchid
- The raspberry tree
- The apricot tree
- The dwarf papaya
- Fishing for it
- Mulberry trees
- The pomegranate tree
- The fig tree
- Strawberry plants
How to grow fruit trees indoors?
There are several categories of plants that can be grown in apartments. But they do not all require the same water or nutrient requirements and grow under more or less different conditions. Earthen pots, planters or tubs, it will be necessary to adapt the containers to the plants. The key is to make sure that they have drainage holes for water drainage, which are essential to prevent roots from drowning.
To ensure good water drainage, place clay or gravel balls at the bottom of the container. And only after you have done this, place a suitable vegetable potting soil on top of the logs. A garden center salesman will be able to advise you very well according to your needs.
Where and how?
Needless to say, the best way to grow an urban vegetable garden is to have a balcony. Indeed, to reproduce, plants need to be in contact with the ecosystem and mainly insects such as bees.
For those who have a balcony, a container or a planter are the most suitable containers. For others, there is the option of window sills and an indoor vegetable garden. However, it is necessary to make sure that the plants benefit from sufficient sunlight. So choose a bright room and place them near a sunny window.
The Best 11 Fruit trees to be planted indoors
The calamondine / Citrus madurensis, the apartment orange tree
Easy to maintain and very aesthetic, the calamondin (Citrus madurensis) only needs to be watered when its soil is dry. It is preferable to install it in a sunny spot, but it will also appreciate having its place in a patio. From November to March, the fruiting process produces small edible oranges with a relatively bitter taste.
They are mainly used as a culinary addition, and not as the classic orange. It is advisable to repot the apartment orange tree every two or three years, and to use a special fertilizer to guarantee its lasting beauty.
The lemon tree, to bring some pizzazz into your home.
If we first imagine them outside, near a vegetable garden, lemon trees are also found inside, to give a little cheerful touch to your living room or bedroom. While growing them in an orangery will be very much appreciated (i.e., in a closed space), the lemon tree requires a certain amount of attention.
Remember to water it regularly, and add fertilizer several times. While it will appreciate the sun and a little wind, it can quickly dry out in a pot, so take care to keep it in good health. Small lemons are produced throughout the year, or especially from November to February, so you can repot it as you wish.
The vanilla orchid, a fruit tree that deserves itself
Native to several parts of the world, including Polynesia and Mexico, the vanilla orchid is a demanding plant. It will have to be kept in a humid and sunny interior, between 69 and 75°F. A frequent watering is necessary, two to three times a week.
It is only when the lianas are at maturity (and are about 4 meters long) that flowering is possible, in order to deliver its magnificent vanilla pods. Unique in their kind, these plants are essential to give a touch of elegance to your interior.
The mini ruby raspberry tree, ideal for verandas or balconies.
Rarely exceeding the meter, the mini ruby raspberry tree is perfectly suitable for all interiors, even in apartments. The raspberry tree, by its size and resistance, will be as well appreciated on a balcony as in a patio.
In the winter, of course, bring the plant inside, even if it can tolerate up to 5°F. Between June and August, you can enjoy fruitful harvests of up to 2.2 lbs of raspberries, each one tastier than the other. For this, favor regular maintenance with daily watering in the summer and at the time of planting.
The apricot tree, the most resistant fruit tree
Small in size, but big in fruit generosity: the apricot tree is an ideal fruit tree to brighten up dark interiors. Very decorative, it also requires little maintenance: make sure you install it in a sunny space, water it every two weeks, and it’s done. Be careful not to water it too much: it will not stand up to it.
If it is preferable to plant your apricot tree in November, it will give you its first flowers in spring, and the first shoots in May-June. Every year, make sure to remove the excess branches.
The dwarf papaya, an exotic touch for your interior
Exoticism comes at a price: the papaya requires constant vigilance, whether it’s its living space (a warm and bright place), its maintenance (regular watering and fertilization) or its resistance to cold (it is very fragile). This small tropical fruit tree has many followers, also for its most succulent fruits, which you can harvest in summer.
Note, however: papaya trees only live between 4 and 7 years, and it is better to have them in a warm greenhouse rather than on a veranda, to hope to see small fruits grow. Fruit trees are numerous and making your choice will be the most difficult: if they are to be planted in pots all year round, their flowering season depends on each other… So choose according to your tastes, but also the bright touch you want for your interior: warm, trendy, original? You have the choice!
Peach Tree
Natural or genetically dwarfed varieties such as bonanza (peach) and nectarella (nectarine) can be grown in reduced forms with 2.5 feets stems. Keep them indoors in a well-lit and sunny place and at temperatures between 50 and 69 ° C until the fruit arrives, then higher temperatures between 64 and 69 ° F will be required. Ventilate properly in hot weather.
Mulberry trees
The mulberry tree is a slow-growing tree, it is ideal for growing in a large pot. For flavorful fruit that ripens in early summer, grow the black mulberry tree Morus nigra Chelsea in bright, indirect light in a well-ventilated area at a temperature of 55 to 69 ° F.
The pomegranate tree
For pot cultivation, choose a dwarf pomegranate: Punica granatum var. Nana, which is only 3 feets high and often produces its remarkably beautiful scarlet flowers even though they are relatively immature. Attractive miniature fruits follow in early autumn but rarely ripen fully. A lot of ventilation and sunlight is needed, especially in late summer and autumn.
The fig tree
All fruit varieties grow more slowly if their roots are confined to a large pot, but the Negro Largo fig tree is particularly well suited as a houseplant.
A temperature range of 69 to 75 °F can limit the maturity size of the plant, but it may still be necessary to prune in summer and winter to control exuberant growth. Place the plant in a well-lit place away from direct sunlight and feed the fig tree two or three times during the growing season.
Strawberry plants
Strawberries in pots on a sunny windowsill will provide fruit almost continuously from early summer to mid-autumn. Strawberries are great fruit producers and are especially valuable when forced to produce early fruit in mid-spring.
To stimulate early strawberries, place plants in autumn in 5-7 inches pots and leave in a well-lit room. Plants should develop plants that can produce fruit from late spring, after which they can be discarded or planted in the garden to grow.
Growing herbs indoors
Aromatics are low-maintenance plants that take up little space. They are therefore very simple to grow, but must be in the best conditions to develop the best aromas.
Basil, chervil, thyme, coriander, chives, are a whole bunch of aromatic herbs that spice up our dishes and also have good health virtues. Adapted to life in an apartment, they are very well suited to indoor growing, especially in the kitchen.
To give some color to your interior (and also to your meals), having a fruit tree is ideal. In the living room, in a sunny bathroom or in a patio, fruit trees to be planted in pots are both useful and decorative.
We present you the 11 best fruit trees that you can grow indoors directly!