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Can I Grow Jasmine In A Pot (And How To Care For It)


Jasmine is a perennial shrubby liana that can be cultivated like a climber, provided it is palisaded. It can of course be planted in pots or planters, on a terrace or balcony. There are many species of jasmine, but the officinal jasmine, or white jasmine, is one of the most hardy, most common and easiest to live with.


How to plant jasmine in a pot?

  1. Offer him a large container with a hole in the bottom (at least 40 cm in all directions) because his rooting is vigorous.
  2. Place the rootball in a bucket of water to rehydrate it.
  3. Put clay balls in the bottom and cover with a veil to prevent the soil from clogging the drainage holes when watering.
  4. Use a special Mediterranean plant potting soil or a good geranium potting soil lightened with coarse sand or perlite.
  5. Position the jasmine and its stake, and fill in with substrate.
  6. Water generously and mulch to limit the frequency of watering.


How to water potted jasmine?

In pots, it is necessary to water more regularly than in the ground because the water evaporates faster. Water as soon as the soil is dry on the surface because this climber likes to have fresh, but not soggy, soil.


In summer, do not hesitate to put a layer of mulch to preserve the humidity of the soil and keep it cool.


How to repot a jasmine?

Jasmine is repotted in the spring, every 2-3 years. If you see rootlets coming out of the holes in your pot and wrapping around the root ball, it’s time to repot! Take the root ball out of the pot and choose a new one 1.5 times bigger than the previous one.


Replace a drainage layer (clay balls or gravel) at the bottom of the pot, so that the water does not stagnate. Mix potting soil with sand and some compost. Cover your clay balls with it and place the root ball in the pot. The collar should be just below the top of the pot. Fill up with the mixture, compact and sprinkle with water.

Which jar for jasmine?

Prefer terracotta pots that allow water and air to circulate. When you buy your jasmine, it is already in a small plastic pot. Choose a new container that measures 2cm (diameter or width) more than the one you bought.




Protect a jasmine in winter?

Out of mild climate, bring it in during the winter as soon as night temperatures drop below 2°C, jasmine in pot being more gelatinous than in the open ground. Store it in a clear, unheated (but frost-free) room.


How to cut jasmines?

After flowering, cut a 15 cm long branch, not too young (green). Remove the lower leaves and put the cutting in a pot filled with a mixture of soil and sand. You can plant several per pot.


Water in a fine rain.

Place the pot in the shade under cover and keep the substrate moist. Depending on the species, rooting takes more or less time. Sambac jasmine, for example, may take several months to root.


How to fertilize potted jasmine?

During the growth period, then during the flowering season (April to August), apply liquid fertilizer for flowering plants every 15 days.


How to take care of potted star jasmine?

In the same way as false jasmine in the ground for fertilizer applications. However, it will need regular watering and pruning may be more important to control its development.


Size of the jasmine in pot

During the first few years, jasmine grows slowly and often needs to be helped to climb up by palliating it on its support.


Once installed, its growth accelerates. Prune the false jasmine once a year, just after flowering. Eliminate the dry branches and slightly shorten the stems which have just bloomed to densify its port.


Attacks and diseases of potted jasmine

Jasmine is very resistant to disease and parasites. Aphids can visit it, let the ladybugs do their work and they will soon arrive or spray a soapy solution to eliminate them.



The flowering of the jasmines is spread out from March to September according to the species. With white, yellow or pink flowers, sometimes fragrant, jasmines are grown in pots or in the ground.


Unless you enjoy a mild winter climate, this jasmine needs to be grown in a pot to be kept in a bright but frost-free room in winter, such as a veranda or an unheated greenhouse.

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