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How To Propagate Rubber Plant in Water (Complete Guide)


At first glance, one might quite think that hydro culturing a rubber plant is not at all advisable, and yet it can even be beneficial for it. We explain to you everything in this article.


Can I root a rubber plant in water?

Yes, it is quite possible to root a rubber plant in water, however, you must not forget that these roots are made to stay in the ground. Therefore, we advise you not to leave your rubber plant more than 1 year in hydro culture.


The watering of a rubber plant is often done to give a boost to the plant. Indeed, you will observe most of the time a beautiful growth.


Once this period is over, it is necessary to repot the plant in a pot, we explain you how to do not miss the change of environment.


How do you grow rubber plants in water?

As far as the “watering” of the rubber plant is concerned, nothing could be simpler, in fact, you just have to take your rubber plant, remove the soil from its root, then insert it in a glass or in a vase filled with water up to the height of the root, in such a way that the latter is completely submerged.


How to maintain a rubber plant in water?

In terms of maintenance, it is quite minimalist, we advise you to clean the plant by changing the water once every 3 weeks. During the manipulation, don’t forget to also rinse the root with clear water to remove the pieces of damaged and/or rotten roots.


Don’t forget to add water from time to time to the bottom of the container, as the plant will eventually “drink” the remaining water. There is no precise moment or timing. It is advisable to take a look from time to time to check that your rubber plant does not lack water (that the root is always immersed).


It may be interesting to clean the leaves occasionally, it is possible to use oil to make them shine.


How do I take a cutting from a rubber plant?

Cut a branch about 8 inches long and keep two-three leaves at the top. At the other end you can dip your branch in a cutting hormone. Then simply plant in a pot with seedling soil (there are antibacterial components).


You have to bury the cutting as much as possible.

Finally, you can add a ziplo bag over it with a knot to give the plant a greenhouse effect. 


How to replant your rubber plant in the ground?

If you want to repot your rubber plant, be aware before starting that rubber likes to be cramped in its pot, so make sure not to take a pot that is too big.


Find a new container with a diameter at least 2 cm larger than the old one. In the bottom, place a large piece of plastic (which should reach at least halfway up the pot) to block the drainage hole when watering. Then put a bottom of clay ball for drainage and fill with a handful of potting soil.


Lightly moisten your rubber plant’s substrate to keep the root ball compact and remove your plant from its hydroponic.


Place your plant in the center of the new pot, leaving at least 1 inch below the rim of the pot. Fill with a little substrate, packing as much as possible, as the soil will sink over time. Cover the root ball with 0.5 inch of potting soil and water abundantly.


After repotting, leave your rubber plant near a heat source for two or three weeks. Keep an eye on the watering of the root ball and regularly spray some water on its foliage to keep it in a humid atmosphere.


How to take care of your rubber plant once it is out of the water?

Take care of your rubber plant, and it will take care of you! You will find below simple advice to accompany your rubber plant in its growth over time.



The rubber plant prefers bright spaces with indirect exposure.

It can adapt to lower light levels.

Its leaves can burn in full sun.



Water thoroughly when the soil is dry, usually once a week to 10 days. Avoid overwatering. The watering schedule may be less frequent during the winter months.


Do not leave standing water at the bottom of the pot.

Spray its foliage regularly to increase humidity.



Under optimal conditions, the rubber plant is a fast-growing tree that can reach a height of 9 ft indoors. Growth is mainly in spring and summer. Fertilize once a month during this period.

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