revive money tree

9 Things To Revive a Money Tree (Step-by-Step Guide)


The money tree is a succulent fat plant with a shrubby habit and evergreen foliage, which can be pruned into bonsai. The very thick leaves store water, allowing to limit watering!


However, it can happen that your money tree doesn’t look good, do not worry, it is far from being always lost, there are in fact many things you can do to make your money tree start again.


When a houseplant looks dead, it is not always dead. In fact, in the stem and roots, there may be some life left. You will then have to diagnose the cause of death of your plant, observe it in order to find the parts to be saved.


It can be a cutting, a stem… Then, take care of resurrecting your plant by repotting it, giving it a bath, cutting it or adding fertilizer.


9 things to do to get your money tree going again

1. How do I know if my money tree is dead?

First, you need to check if the plant is still alive. To do this, scrape the base of the stem and see if there is a green layer. If there is, the plant is alive! If the center of the stem is brown, that part is dead. Similarly, bend the stem a little to see if it is flexible. If it breaks, it is dry.


You can also take the plant off the ground and examine the roots: if they are all brown, soft, they are rotten and therefore the plant is dead. On the other hand, if there are some firm, white roots, there is still hope! Remove all dead roots, as well as dry leaves and branches.


2. Cut out the dead parts

After observing the living and dead parts of the plant, cut off anything brown, dry and dead. As soon as you see the green color at the stem core, you are on a living part of the plant.


3. Move your money tree

To save your plant, place it in the sun or according to its needs, in a place that corresponds to it, with direct or indirect light.


4. The money tree lacks water

If your plant is in bad condition due to over watering, please ignore this step. To save it, it will need a bath. This will clean the soil of dead leaves and allow the roots to drink. To do this, bathe the pot in room temperature water and let it recover. If you notice that the soil is extremely dry, do not hesitate to repot it. Also remember to mist the leaves to rehydrate them.


5. The money tree has been overwatered

Only if your plant does not lack water; the reason for the death of your houseplant can also be an overflow of water. The soil is wet, the leaves are brown or yellowish, tired. Repot your plant in dry soil, with a pot that has holes for drainage. Before repotting, you can let the roots dry for a few hours.


6. Adding fertilizer

If the plant was tired, do not add fertilizer right away. Wait for the roots to strengthen. On the other hand, if your plant was malnourished, its leaves are discolored and its growth is slow, you can use fertilizer between March and September, to help it to start again and to strengthen itself.


7. Saving cuttings

If the whole plant cannot be saved, but some parts are still alive, take cuttings. Cut off the living parts and put them in a glass of water. Wait until you see the roots appear before replanting them in a pot.


8. Be patient

After all, nature is doing its job. Once you’ve put your money tree in the best possible conditions to recover, it’s best to let nature take its course and watch your succulent grow. Be patient!


9. Last resort

Finally, if despite all our advice your plant does not recover, it is well and truly dead. In this case, don’t throw it in the garbage, compost it. In this way, you will benefit from its nutritive contributions within the compost.


Why are the leaves of my money tree turning yellow?

Excessive watering is a frequent cause of yellowing, especially for potted plants. A too wet substrate induces the rotting of the roots, which is irreparable: the plant cannot nourish itself any more correctly, its leaves turn yellow, then it dies.


How to treat a money tree in excess of water?

Unlike ordinary plants, succulents prefer arid conditions. An excess of water can be fatal for them. To rehabilitate a succulent with excess water, which is fairly easy, here are the steps to follow:


  • Make sure the plant’s substrate is draining enough;
  • Remove the plant from its pot;
  • Get some paper towels or tissues;
  • Place the succulent on the paper towel;
  • Wait for the paper to absorb the excess of humidity;
  • Put the plant back in its pot once the soil has lost a little moisture;
  • Stop watering for a while.


How do you know when to water a money tree?

Adapt to their needs by observing and touching the soil with your fingertips: it must have had time to dry out between two waterings. If the soil is wet, wait a few days before adding water, as they fear excess water. In spring and summer, water them at most twice a month.

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